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Sunset catamaran trip - Catamaran La Rochelle

Boat trip Tourist transport
Sunset catamaran trip - Catamaran La Rochelle
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Avenue de la Capitainerie
17000 - La Rochelle
Live an exceptional moment at sunset time, admire the last lights of the day.
A cruise at sea to make two in love a unique moment to share wonderful memories.
To allow you to leave on a catamaran and discover La Rochelle and its surroundings by a sea trip, alone, in group or with your family, and to live a magical moment, we propose you formulas adapted to each desire. The 2 hour trip at sunset offers you a relaxing moment at the end of the day for a romantic moment with your partner, or for the lovers of beautiful pictures.

We propose you to discover the pleasures of the sea in the respect of the environment and of the natural environment by privileging the navigation under sail, we opted for walks in sea of quality by limiting the number of passengers to 14 persons.

We offer you different sea trips on a sailing catamaran, nature trips in contact with the elements.

Do not hesitate to contact us by phone if you have any question.
Don't wait any longer, come and meet us on board ....
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Equipements et services proposés

Booking obligatory
Ticketing in number
Available for private hire

Accessibilité Tourisme et Handicap

Hearing disability
Mental disability
Visual disability
Not accessible in a wheelchair

Infos pratiques


Animaux refusés

Langues parlées

English French


One price: 40 €.
